As Seen by the People of Mankon, Cameroon and Beyond We are thrilled to share with you this rich harvest of tributes on Fo…
Mgr Ndongmo et la Question Bamiléké au Cameroun
Contrairement aux adeptes de !’instruction publique que sont les Français, les Anglo-saxons ont une conception de l’enseignement qui inclut à la fois !’instruction et…
Résistance-nationalisme et mémoireby Modeste Mba TallaPlus de cent ans après la naissance de Um Nyobè nous publions dans cet ouvrage des témoignages et des…
Some Unsung Black Revolutionary Voices and Visions from Pre-Colony to Post-Independence and Beyond
This volume confronts black problems rooted in historical and material realities of oppression, colonialism, slavery, corruption, and subjugation in a world deaf to the…
The Trials and Tribulations of a ZIPRA Soldier
The Trials and Tribulations of a ZIPRA Soldier is a riveting spider web story of courage, determination, pursuit of justice and survival against all…
Women and Leadership in the Basel Mission and Presbyterian Church in Cameroon This book examines women’s participation in the executive structures of the Basel…
A woman meets young people from various backgrounds – at a U. S. university. She is African, from Chad. The students, eager to learn about…
From Plough to Entrepreneurship
From Plough to Entrepreneurship is motivated largely by the fact that Africans were deprived of economic and political autonomy by white government in South…
The State and Nation-Building Processes in Kenya since Independence
Remembering the Marginalised and Forgotten Issues and Actors Kenya’s nationalism during the colonial period was marked by two main characteristics that feature in this…
The Hidden Side of Euro-African Encounters, 1450-1950 Genocide has been called the ‘crime of crimes’ and an ‘odious scourge.’ With millions of victims in…